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[PS3] Naughty Dog não vai parar em Uncharted 2

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[PS3] Naughty Dog não vai parar em Uncharted 2 Empty [PS3] Naughty Dog não vai parar em Uncharted 2

[PS3] Naughty Dog não vai parar em Uncharted 2 56309277

If for some reason you've been thinking that Uncharted 2: Among Thieves will mean the last of Nathan Drake's adventures, you're apt to be disappointed (or pleased). As with every other successful game these days, Naughty Dog is quite intent on turning Uncharted into a franchise.

"[Uncharted 2] doesn't conclude the story at all," Naughty Dog creative director Amy Hennig told the PlayStation Blog (via Joystiq).

"The expectation with Uncharted 2 is that it can be an ongoing franchise as long as people want more of it. All these stories are self-contained."

"You don't have to play the last one to play this one. Obviously, you're going to get a little bit more out of it if you have. But [Nathan Drake]'s going to have a lot of adventures, thank god."

Who knows, a meteor might fall on Naughty Dog at some point in the next couple years. Barring that though, Uncharted 3 seems like a given. In the meantime, Uncharted 2 will be out in North America on October 13.
Fonte: 1UP

Se você achava que as aventuras de Nathan Drake acabariam em Uncharted 2: Among Thieves está muito enganado. A Naughty Dog pretende transformar Uncharted em mais uma de suas franquias.

"Uncharted 2 não vai concluir a história" segundo Amy Henning (diretor criativo da Naughty Dog) "Você não precisa jogar o ultimo Uncharted para jogar o novo. Obviamente você ficara um pouco por fora, porém Nathan Drake terá muitas aventuras, Graças a Deus."

Very Happy
Dragon Warrior
Dragon Warrior

Número de Mensagens : 1323

Idade : 32
Localização : São Caetano do Sul, SP
Humor : Moving Along
Inscrição : 19/11/2008

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