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Grande anuncio da Media Molecule para hoje!!

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Grande anuncio da Media Molecule para hoje!! Empty Grande anuncio da Media Molecule para hoje!!

You’ve seen today’s official announcement of the LittleBigPlanet Game of the Year Edition which will come bundled with over $30 worth of DLC, and beta access to ModNation Racers. So what is coming tomorrow that could possibly top that?

We aren’t sure exactly what is coming tomorrow, but if its bigger news than today’s announcement of ModNation Racers beta access in the GOTY Edition of LBP, then we are bound to be floored by the info.
According to Mark Valledor of the official PS.Blog:[INDENT]Don’t worry…wait until tomorrow for “bigger” announcement.
[/INDENT]Tomorrow is Sony’s GamesCom Press Conference, so expect the announcement during the one-hour long presentation. As what it is, let the speculation begin.


a media molecule anunciou oficialmente o Little Big Planet GOTY edition que virá com mais de 30 dolares em conteudo extra, e acesso á versão beta do modnation racers, o que poderia a media molecule anunciar amanha na conferência que possa bater isso?

de acordo com o tipo do blog oficial da playstation..

''não se preocupem, esperem até amanhã pelo seu maior anuncio.''

Número de Mensagens : 9107

Idade : 35
Humor : Close your eyes and I'll kiss you, Tomorrow I'll miss you, Remember I'll always be true :)
Wii FC : 8773-6009-6315-3587
Inscrição : 28/07/2008

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Grande anuncio da Media Molecule para hoje!! :: Comentários


Mensagem 18/8/2009, 08:14 por k0uta

lol ou seja o cara falo "Fiquem babando esperando comendo o dedo que amanha agente fala pra vcs!" UEHAUEHAUHEUAHEUAHUE

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