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Team Red Bull Lança Despertar do Cemitério v8 e Mod do Psardumper

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Team Red Bull Lança Despertar do Cemitério v8 e Mod do Psardumper Empty Team Red Bull Lança Despertar do Cemitério v8 e Mod do Psardumper

Novo time da cena PSP - Team Red Bull ou Equipo Red Bull - lançaram uma versão modificada do Desperdar do Cemitério, permitindo instalar a Custom Firmware 5.50 pela Pandora. E também lança um versão modificada do Psardumper, permitindo desencriptar alguns módulos do firmware 5.50.

New to the scene — Team Red Bull PSP — or if you’re Spanish, Equipo Red Bull PSP. Three days back they released a modified version of Dark_AleX’s Despertar del Cementerio v8 allowing you to install Custom Firmware 5.50 the Pandora way. Today, Team Red Bull releases a modified version of Psardumper, which dumps and decrypts [some] 5.50 firmware modules. Allow me to quote Team Red Bull by way of Google Translate:

The PSARDumper of Dark_AleX has been updated so that decrypts files from 5.50 firmware. However, not all decrypts, because we did not reverse engineer the files containing the keys of the firmware, the truth, we do not believe that what we will do and we understand that there are websites, people, … that have already completely decoded.

There you have it. You can grab everything below.

Despertar del Cementerio v8
Despertar del Cementerio v8 Mod
Psardumper Mod for 5.50
PSP Firmware Updates

Fonte: redbullpsp @ blogspot/PSP-Hacks

Número de Mensagens : 9107

Idade : 35
Humor : Close your eyes and I'll kiss you, Tomorrow I'll miss you, Remember I'll always be true :)
Wii FC : 8773-6009-6315-3587
Inscrição : 28/07/2008

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