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[Wii U] UBISOFT revela mais detalhes do console

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[Wii U] UBISOFT revela mais detalhes do console Empty [Wii U] UBISOFT revela mais detalhes do console

Segundo a Ubisoft, o CPU do console é do mesmo nível do PS3 e 360, mas a unidade de processamento de gráficos é 1,5 (50%) melhor que a dos atuais consoles, só que mesmo assim Assassin's Creed 3 está pior no WiiU do que nos outros consoles, mas que pretender arrumar isso até o lançamento.

Ubisoft escreveu:

News | June 8, 2012 - The central processing unit (CPU) of the U Wii is as powerful as the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, but the graphics processing unit (GPU) is one and a half times as strong. That is what an employee of Ubisoft stated to Insidegamer.

Ubisoft provided this information from a gameplay demo of Assassin's Creed 3. The editor of Insidegamer noting however that the game is on Wii U currently less good looking than the other consoles, with less detail and less constant framerate.

This can still be solved; because the Wii U is a new console, developers are still getting used to develop for the device. According to Ubisoft Assassin's Creed for Wii U will, at the time of release, be of the same quality as the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions.



Número de Mensagens : 9107

Idade : 35
Humor : Close your eyes and I'll kiss you, Tomorrow I'll miss you, Remember I'll always be true :)
Wii FC : 8773-6009-6315-3587
Inscrição : 28/07/2008

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