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[PS3] Yakuza 3 vindo para Ocidente!

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[PS3] Yakuza 3 vindo para Ocidente! Empty [PS3] Yakuza 3 vindo para Ocidente!

Alguns dias atrás o representante da Sega Aaron Webber comentou que há possibilidade de Yakuza 3 vir para os U.S. Segundo fontes próximas do projeto, Yakuza 3 está sendo trazido para o mercado americano e europeu.

E outra notícia sobre Yakuza, daqui alguns dias Yakuza 4 será revelado na TGS.

Just a few days ago Sega rep Aaron Webber commented that the possibility of Yakuza 3 coming to the U.S. still exists and that it's a subject discussed quite often at Sega. Today we can do one better: we've learned that the PS3 exclusive is indeed coming west. According to sources close to the project, Yakuza 3 is currently being localized for release in the U.S. and European markets.

And while this is still not the official confirmation many are seeking, it's definitely reason to keep up hope. We anticipate more news on this front will be coming from Sega -- or another publisher, were the game shopped around -- in the coming weeks or months. It's possible we could even hear sooner: the Tokyo Game Show occurs later this week, and if you remember, Sega announced Yakuza 2 for the U.S. at the 2007 show.

In other Yakuza news, it's also only a few more days until Yakuza 4 is revealed at TGS.
Fonte: 1up

Número de Mensagens : 9107

Idade : 35
Humor : Close your eyes and I'll kiss you, Tomorrow I'll miss you, Remember I'll always be true :)
Wii FC : 8773-6009-6315-3587
Inscrição : 28/07/2008

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[PS3] Yakuza 3 vindo para Ocidente! :: Comentários


Mensagem 21/9/2009, 21:36 por renzo

adorei o 1 e to morrendo de vontade de jogar o 2 (que pelo que vi é bem loko!!!) vamos ver o 3 e quem sabe algum projeto da franquia pro psp, não?!??!

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