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PSN em manutenção amanhã

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PSN em manutenção amanhã Empty PSN em manutenção amanhã

Amanhã dia 25 de agosto, a PSN entrará em manutenção entre as 4:15pm e 9:05pm (Horário do UK), não se sabe exatamente para o que será mas devido as noticias da GamesCom as espectativas são as melhores.

Evening all,

Just a quick heads up to let you know that the PlayStation Network will be undergoing maintenance tomorrow, Tuesday the 25th of August. As a result you will be unable to sign in to the PSN between 4:15pm and 9:05pm UK time. We’re sorry for the inconvenience – the maintenance is global, so the timing is not something we have control of.

If you’re already signed in before the maintenance begins, however, you should be able to stay connected to the PSN servers. It is likely that you’ll be disconnected and required to sign back in once the PSN comes back up at 9:05pm, though.

Why not use the time to relive last week’s press conference liveblog? Or watch our gamescom video interviews. Who am I kidding? You’ve already seen all this stuff already. Right?

Número de Mensagens : 9107

Idade : 35
Humor : Close your eyes and I'll kiss you, Tomorrow I'll miss you, Remember I'll always be true :)
Wii FC : 8773-6009-6315-3587
Inscrição : 28/07/2008

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