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[Plugin] aloader v1.0 (TN HEN) - p/ RODAR ISO DO XMB

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[Plugin] aloader v1.0 (TN HEN) - p/ RODAR ISO DO XMB Empty [Plugin] aloader v1.0 (TN HEN) - p/ RODAR ISO DO XMB

Mensagem por FFfan 1/3/2011, 11:58

Nova versão: aloader v1.0 para TN HEN
Com esse plugin vc pode rodar ISOs e CSOs diretos do XMB sem precisar criar um atalho com o iso tool
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[Plugin] aloader v1.0 (TN HEN) - p/ RODAR ISO DO XMB 57y6ye7r


# Corrigido alguns bugs (não sei quais foram)
# O rodador ISO Tool não é mais usado. Agora use o seu próprio.
# O diretorio do ISO agora é personalizável
# Compatível com o Game Categories Light
# Game Categories Light é utilizado para classificar as ISOs
# todos os ISOs não-classificados teram também uma pasta para eles chamada de un-categorized

Link Oficial

creio que vcs saibam instalar esse plugin

aqui está a instalação eu estou ocupado demais parafazer a traduçao de uma coisa tão grande então se alguem puder fazer a tradução e post aqui fico agradecido e depois eu atulizo isso no meu tópico


From version 1.0, the installation has changed somewhat. All necessary files are located in the "aload". The point where you can grab you like. My recommendation copied to the folder "seplugins".
In the archive you will find _vsh.txt Also, _go_vsh.txt _game.txt and _go_game.txt. Rename the files to vsh.txt vsh.txt and game.txt to or copied if the contents into the existing and game.txt.
If it saves the aload folder elsewhere, then you must also adjust the paths corresponding setting.


As I mentioned in the changelog, I use a separate launcher. This saves the driver mode. To switch to the M33 mode: just think at the start Shultertaste the left (L-TRIGGER) key. From now on, the game always started in the M33 mode. To get back to switch on the NP9660 mode,: hold the right shoulder button (R-TRIGGER).


New is the file in aLoader.conf aload folder. Here you have 4 options:
iso_path = ms0: / myISOs /
iso_path2 = ms0: / extraISOs /
will show, and starts ISOs, which are located in these folders.
There are also two category options. More on that.

Light Game Categories

A lot of work I put in the category support. aload detects whether you have activated the "Game Categories Light" plug-in and automatically switches to the category mode. If the work does not have time or want to switch off the mode, then in the option aLoader.conf force_categories.
force_categories = 0
switches the mode
force_categories = 1
switches the mode to always (without the "Game Categories Light" plugin then you will get "corrupted data")

As games are categorized?
To do this you have 3 options

1. just place the ISO folder to the appropriate subfolder.
2. appointed by the ISOs in the form "MeineCategory@datei.iso" around. Everything up to "@" then the categorylink
3. for the 3rd Way you use the aLoader.conf again. with for example "Default_category meineISOs =" is a category created "meineISOs. There are all purely ISOs which do not fall under Item 1 and 2.

It is not a problem categories to merge. If your e.g. a "real" category have applied to (eg / PSP / GAMES / CAT /...), the ISOs then you can for 'CAT' lane. There will be both "real" as well as the ISOs in the "CAT" category displayed.

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[Plugin] aloader v1.0 (TN HEN) - p/ RODAR ISO DO XMB Empty Re: [Plugin] aloader v1.0 (TN HEN) - p/ RODAR ISO DO XMB

Mensagem por Scarecrow 1/3/2011, 12:01


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